Our Farm

The Farm has been in the family for around 70 years with the cows always being at the centre of our attention.

Maintaining the highest quality runs throughout the farm from the way we interact with the cattle to the grass they eat throughout the year.

Here at Southlands Farm all the cows you see have been reared from a long line of genetics which link back to when the family first started here in 1956. Even to this day there are markings on some of the cows which have been passed down from those which were here 60 years ago. All our cows are bred from our own herd of Herefords with one of our four Hereford Bulls, each spring we will go through a two month period of our cows calving in the fields.

As soon as a calf is born into the world we ensure that both the cow and calf have access to the freshest grass on the farm which helps to ensure the mother can produce high quality milk which helps to grow the finest calves.

Having access to the highest quality feed is a trend each cow will see throughout its lifetime. Throughout the summer they are able to eat from permanent grassland which will have no inputs from artificial fertilisers as we have a strong passion in ensuring the highest health for the soils and the grassland.

When the cows come into the sheds in the autumn they will be able to enjoy a constant supply of our high quality grass silage. This is produced from a year rye grass ley which is grown on the outskirts of West Chiltington. Once cut and ensiled it will ferment into high quality silage which the cows have a keen taste for.